
A Norwegian summer pasture farm is well worth experiencing



All Norwegians have a special relationship to these national-romantic-style small buildings situated halfway up the mountainsides, whether they’re familiar with the history or have taken a break at one on the way up one of the mountains that often surround the farms.


These distinctive and historical buildings are always situated in magnificent scenery. They blend into and are adapted to the landscape in relation to the weather, wind and topography. They tell their own story of life in the mountains, traditions and the culture that once existed.


These farms have played an important role in many mountain areas, including in Nordfjord. Their purpose was to take advantage of the grazing available in an area where it wasn’t possible to live permanently. Farms often had two or three summer pasture farms, which they used at different times during the summer. This type of farming may well date all the way back to the Viking Age.

Seter i Gloppen

They had their heyday in the Middle Ages and up until around 1900, when bigger dairies were established down in the valleys. The farms were most important for the communities in the mountains. People had different views of summer pasture farm life; some associated it with hard work and aching muscles, while others found it romantic. Today, it is seen as very romantic, away from noise, traffic and modern technology. A romantic journey back in time.


Visit a summer pasture farm


We have many summer pasture farms in Nordfjord that belong to the many farms in the area. Walking between these farms makes for easy walks and you can spend the night at some of them.




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Besøk ikoniske Segestad, som er over 100 år gammal. Lengst ute på ein fjellknaus ligg den fråflytta garden, som har utsikt over Oppstrynsvatnet i Stryn. Stien opp til garden snirkler seg opp fjellsida ved sidan av den vakre Glomnesfossen. Segestad er ikkje berre ei oppleving i høgda, men ei oppleving tilbake i tid. På garden finn ein informasjonstavler som fortel om gårdslivet som ein gong var. På garden, som er ein gamal kulturskatt, kan ein overnatte mot at ein vippsar eit lite beløp.