

Cross-country skiing


"Norwegians are born with skis on their feet" is a term often used. And as in the rest of Norway, this also applies in Nordfjord. Nordfjord has some of the best skiers in the world. Could it have something to do with the great and varied trails in the area?

Archaeological finds indicate that skis have been used in the Nordic countries for more than 5000 years. Skiing was a useful aid in hunting and trapping and the archaeological findings indicate that skiing has been in use for at least as long as the wheel.

Choose between peaceful tracks in nature where the only sounds you hear are from your skis gliding smoothly through the snow, or the company of other ski-enthusiasts on one of the more popular routes. Nordfjord boasts national and international-level cross-country skiing tracks, with several kilometres of groomed tracks and snow-clad hills. With good snow conditions, varied landscape and floodlit tracks for evening trips, the possibilities are endless. 


Some of the cross-country tracks in the area: 


Stryn Vinterski, Stryn 

Harpefossen skisenter, Eid

Breimsbygda skisenter, Gloppen

Kleivane skiløype, Gloppen

Høgdene, Gloppen

Nordfjord Fritidssenter, Stryn

Tua, Eid